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PL Foto Dr. Bernhard Freund

Dr. Bernhard Freund, M.Comp.Sc., LL.M. (Wellington)

Computer Scientist, Lawyer, certified IT Lawyer, certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV) and CIPP/E

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Dr. Bernhard Freund is a founding partner of PLANIT // LEGAL. He advises on all issues of data protection and IT law and is the external data protection officer for numerous companies. Clients appreciate the combination of sound legal and technical know-how and his pragmatic consulting approach.

Before founding PLANIT // LEGAL, Dr. Bernhard Freund was a software developer, an advisor to the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, and an attorney at a major international law firm in the specialist area of “Technology, Media and Telecommunications”.

Dr. Bernhard Freund studied law and computer science in Bielefeld. After the first state law examination and academic activities at the Universities of Bielefeld and Torino, he obtained a Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) at the Victoria University of Wellington.

Dr. Bernhard Freund completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg. In addition, he completed his studies in computer science with a focus on “Artificial Intelligence” at the Open University in Hagen with a thesis on knowledge-based systems as a Master of Computer Science (M.Comp.Sc.).

He received his doctorate from the University of Osnabrück with a thesis on “Compulsory performance in sales law“, which was supervised by Prof. Dr. Hans Schulte-Nölke.

Dr. Bernhard Freund was a lecturer for data protection law at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and is a lecturer at the PLANIT // ACADEMY.

In his private life, he plays marimba, chess and is interested in cryptocurrencies and foreign languages.

He is fluent in German and English.

  • Data Protection Officer according to TÜV Nord
  • Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E)
  • Big Data and Privacy, Center for Business Law (CUR), Osnabrück 2017 [Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte von Big Data]
  • IT security law (for Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things) [IT-Sicherheitsrecht (bei Industrie 4.0 und Internet der Dinge)], Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart 2017
  • Data protection in dental practices: legal consequences of increasing networking [Datenschutz in der Zahnarztpraxis: Rechtliche Folgen der zunehmenden Vernetzung], Freier Verband Deutscher Zahnärzte e.V., Leipzig 2016
  • The Security of Digital Communication in the 21st Century – a dialogue on Privacy and Data Protection Laws in the U.S. and Germany, German-American Lawyers Association, Berlin 2014, Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung e.V.
  • Compensation for pain and suffering in case of violation of personal rights: Prerequisites and avoidance strategies (focus on video surveillance and mobbing) [Schmerzensgeld bei Verletzung von Persönlichkeitsrechten: Voraussetzungen und Vermeidungsstrategien (Schwerpunkte Videoüberwachung und Mobbing)], Symposium on Employees’ Privacy of the TÜV NORD Academy, Hamburg 2014
  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – Legal Aspects [Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – Rechtliche Aspekte], Spring Conference of the User Group Networks (BGNW), Lübeck 2013.
  • Privacy after Snowden – Data Protection Law implications from the NSA scandal [Datenschutz nach Snowden – Datenschutzrechtliche Folgerungen aus dem NSA-Skandal], Palma de Mallorca 2013
  • Buying and Selling Data, conference of the German-British Jurists’ Association and the British-German Jurists‘ Association, Aachen 2012
  • Internal Investigations and Data Protection [Internal Investigations und Datenschutz], BUJ Workshop, Hamburg 2012
  • Facebook & Co. in the Company [Facebook & Co. im Unternehmen], Hamburg 2012
  • Marketing 2.0 – Expedition into lawless spaces? [Marketing 2.0 – Expedition in rechtsfreie Räume?], Hamburg 2012
  • Data transfer to third countries – Model Clauses, Binding Corporate Rules, Safe Harbor [Datenübermittlung in Drittstaaten – Model Clauses, Binding Corporate Rules, Safe Harbor], Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart 2012
  • Facebook Friend Finder / IPv6 [Facebook Freundefinder / IPv6], Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Stuttgart 2011
  • Using Defeasible Logic Programming for Argumentation-Based Decision Support in Private Law, Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), Desenzano del Garda 2010
  • Commentary on Articles 6, 9, 24, 26, 28, 29, 32 and 44 to 50 GDPR, in: Schuster/Grützmacher, IT Law Commentary [Kommentar zum IT-Recht], Otto Schmidt Verlag 2020
  • Commentary on Articles 10 and 14-18 Hamburg Data Protection Act, in Schnabel: Landesdatenschutzgesetz Hamburg, Nomos 2022 (to be released soon)
  • Data Protection 2021 – Germany, International Comparative Legal Guide, / Global Legal Group Ltd, London 2021, together with B. Schmidt
  • Order Processing [Auftragsverarbeitung], in: Intveen/Gennen/Karger, handbook of software law [Handbuch des Softwarerechts], Anwaltverlag 2018, together with M. Grützmacher
  • After the hard fork – may the exchange keep Bitcoin Cash? [Nach dem Hard Fork – darf die Börse Bitcoin Cash behalten?], BTC-Echo, August 8, 2017.
  • Perspectives on order processing [Perspektiven der Auftragsverarbeitung], ZD 2017, p. 14, together with B. Schmidt.
  • Guidance Notes: Health and Pharma Overview, Data Guidance 4/2016, together with B. Schmidt.
  • Specific Performance in the Law of Sales: History – Comparison – Unification [Erfüllungszwang im Kaufrecht, Geschichte – Vergleich – Vereinheitlichung, Schriften zum internationalen Recht], Writings on International Law [Schriften zum Internationalen Recht (SIR)], vol. 204, Duncker & Humblot 2015.
  • IT Security Law, On the new draft of an act against Cyber Attacks [IT-Sicherheitsgesetz, Zum neuen Entwurf eines Gesetzes gegen Cyber-Attacken], ITRB 2014, 256-260.
  • The Nucleus of the Self-Responsibility of the Executive as a Limitation to the Right to Freedom of Information [Der Kernbereich exekutiver Eigenverantwortung als Schranke der Informationsfreiheit], DÖV 5/2012, 192-198, with C. Schnabel
  • On the Maximum Harmonization of European Data Protection Law by Directive 95/46/EC [Zur Frage der Vollharmonisierung des europäischen Datenschutzrechts durch die Richtlinie 95/46/EG], comment on ECJ, Judg. 24.11.2011, C-468/10 u. C-469/10, CR 2012, 32-33 [Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 24.11.2011, C-468/10 u. C-469/10, CR 2012, 32-33].
  • IPv6 – the End to Anonymity on the Internet? Technical Foundations and Legal Assessment of the New Internet Protocol [Bedeutet IPv6 das Ende der Anonymität im Internet? Technische Grundlagen und rechtliche Beurteilung des neuen Internet-Protokolls], MMR 2011, 495-499, together with C. Schnabel.
  • “Oh How Good That Nobody Knows…” – Self-data-protection in the use of telemedia offerings [„Ach wie gut, dass niemand weiß…“ – Selbstdatenschutz bei der Nutzung von Telemedienangeboten], CR 2010, 718-721, together with C. Schnabel.
  • Can Bobby demand delivery? Towards a Knowledge-Based System in Private Law, Proceedings of the 24th Workshop on Constraint Logic Programming (WLP 2010) together with C. Beierle, G. Kern-Isberner and M. Timm.
  • Using Defeasible Logic Programming for Argumentation-Based Decision Support in Private Law, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2010), together with C. Beierle, G. Kern-Isberner and M. Timm
  • On Mathematical Patterns in the Web of the Law Indicating a Quasi-Biological Evolution [Über mathematische Muster im Netz des Rechts, die auf eine quasi-biologische Evolution hinweisen], Revue Juridique Polynésienne (RJP) 2007, 53-67
  • Publisher GDPR Practice Commentary [DSGVO Praxis-Kommentar], 2023 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
planit legal dr. bernd schmidt

Dr. Bernd Schmidt, LL.M. (Auckland)

Lawyer, certified IT Lawyer, certified Data Protection Officer (GDDcert.) and CIPP/E

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Dr. Bernd Schmidt is a founding partner of PLANIT // LEGAL. He represents and advises clients in all matters of data protection and IT law. The focus of his work is on procedural representation in court, regulatory proceedings and strategic data protection consulting.

Clients appreciate his experience with the numerous facets of data protection law, starting with the challenge of reconciling data protection law and client interests and “taking clients along”, carrying data protection requirements “over the finish line” and implementing data protection compliance measures in the company, all the way through to representation in regulatory and court proceedings.

Prior to founding PLANIT // LEGAL, Dr. Bernd Schmidt was an attorney in Bird & Bird’s Munich office in the “IT, Commercial, Outsourcing Practice Group” as well as an attorney and external data protection officer in the Hamburg office of a data protection law boutique. Dr. Bernd Schmidt is familiar with the procedures and processes of the data protection authority through his work at the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.

Dr. Bernd Schmidt studied law at the Universities of Hanover, Lausanne and Münster. After passing the first state law examination, he obtained a Master of Commercial Laws degree (LL.M.) from the University of Auckland and completed his doctorate on the topic of “Compliance in Corporations” as a scholarship holder in the DFG Research Training Group “Trustsoft” under Prof. Dr. Jürgen Taeger at the University of Oldenburg.

Dr. Bernd Schmidt completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Bremen, among others in the IT/IP departments of Taylor Wessing in Hamburg and Simonsen Advokatfirma in Oslo. Dr. Bernd Schmidt is a member of the Board of Experts of EuroPrivacy Certification.

He is fluent in German, English and Norwegian.

In his private life he is a man for the practical things. He takes care of house and garden and breeds the American gaited horses “Tennessee Walker” and “Rocky Mountain Horses“.

  • Data Protection Officer (GDDcert.)
  • Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E)
  • The General Data Protection Regulation- What you should consider and implement now [Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung- Was Sie jetzt beachten und umsetzen sollten], Webinar at the Comparex Academie, June 8, 2017.
  • Panel discussion on Employee Data Protection at the 11th dtb / DGB Technology Forum in Berlin, November 10, 2016.
  • CCTV – Data Protection vs. Retail Security? German Retail Security Network in Essen October 19, 2016.
  • Legal Framework for Social Media and Mobile Marketing [Rechtliche Anforderungen bei Social Media und Mobile Marketing], Marketingfrühstück Marketing Club Hamburg, July 4, 2015.
  • Consent Requirements for Tracking-Technologies in a German Legal Perspective [Einwilligungsvorbehalte für Tracking-Technologien im deutschen Recht], DSRI Herbstakademie 2015 in Göttingen, September 10, 2015.
  • Outsourcing in the Insurance Sector [Outsourcing im Versicherungssektor], DSRI Herbstakademie 2013 in Berlin, September 14, 2013.
  • Compliance – The Board’s Duty to Control Legal Risks [Compliance – Die Vorstandspflicht zur Beherrschung von Rechtsrisiken], D-A-CH-Security in Bochum, May 19, 2009.
  • Data Protection by the Works Council – Problem solved but not resolved [Datenschutz durch den Betriebsrat – Problem geregelt aber nicht gelöst], Datenschutzberater 2021, p. 324
  • Data Protection 2021 – Germany, International Comparative Legal Guide, / Global Legal Group Ltd, London 2021, together with B. Freund
  • New Data Protection: Well Prepared for the GDPR 2018 [Neuer Datenschutz: Gut vorbereitet auf die DSGVO 2018], eBook, Hamburg 2017.
  • Introduction to the BDSG [Einführung zum BDSG], in: Taeger/Gabel, Kommentar zum BDSG, 2nd ed., Frankfurt a.M. 2013, together with Taeger.
  • 1 para. 1 – 4 BDSG, in: Taeger/Gabel, Kommentar zum BDSG, 2nd ed. Frankfurt a.M. 2013
  • Compliance in Corporations [Compliance in Kapitalgesellschaften], Baden Baden 2010
  • Data Protection in the Lawyer’s Home and Mobile Office [Datenschutz im anwaltlichen Home- und Mobile-Office], NJW 2021, p. 367, together with Roschek
  • Overview of European Data Protection Law [Überblick zum europäischen Datenschutzrecht], in: Specht-Riemenschneider/Werry/Werry, Datenrecht in der Digitalisierung, 1st ed. 2019, pp. 63-92.
  • Employee Data Protection in Corporate Transactions [Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz bei Unternehmenstransaktionen], in: Weth/Herberger/Wächter/Sorge, Daten- und Persönlichkeitsrechtsschutz im Arbeitsverhältnis, 2nd ed. 2019, pp. 608-619
  • Data Protection Organization and Documentation in the Law Firm [Datenschutz-Organisation und -Dokumentation in der Anwaltskanzlei], NJW 2018, p. 1448
  • Perspectives on Order Processing [Perspektiven der Auftragsverarbeitung], ZD 2017, p. 14, together with Freund.
  • Privacy Consequences of Brexit [Datenschutzrechtliche Folgen des Brexit], in: Jusletter IT 22. September 2016, together with Bischof.
  • Guidance Notes: Employment Germany, 6/2016, together with Freund
  • Guidance Notes: Health and Pharma Overview, Data Guidance 4/2016, together with Freund.
  • The Hunter’s Right: Guide to the legally compliant use of wildlife cameras [Des Jägers Recht: Leitfaden zum rechtskonformen Wildkameraeinsatz], Wir Jagen 6/2016, p. 37
  • Keeping Service Providers on a Tight Leash [Dienstleister an fester Leine halten], Versicherungswirtschaft 2/2016, p. 22, together with Bischof
  • Requirements for the Use of Cookies, Browser Fingerprinting and Similar Techniques in German Law [Anforderungen an den Einsatz von Cookies, Browser-Fingerprinting und ähnlichen Techniken im deutschen Recht], K&R 2016, pp. 86-91, together with Babilon.
  • The Issuance of Data Carriers to National Investigative Authorities [Die Herausgabe von Datenträgern an nationale Ermittlungsbehörden], PinG 2014, p. 245.
  • Criminal Law Risks and the Need for Reform in Outsourcing in the Insurance Sector [Strafrechtliche Risiken und Reformbedarf beim Outsourcing im Versicherungssektor], VersR 2014, p. 161.
  • Risk Management and Compliance in the Cooperative [Risikomanagement und Compliance in der Genossenschaft], ZfgG 2013, p. 161, together with Seegmüller.
  • File Lecture – Public Law – On the Road with the Beer Bike [Aktenvortrag – Öffentliches Recht – Unterwegs mit dem Bierbike], JuS 2013, p. 547, together with Herbord
  • Transmission of Personal Data in the case of Government Requests for Information [Übermittlung personenbezogener Daten bei staatlichen Auskunftsbegehren], ZD 2012, p. 63.
  • Employee Data Protection in Norway [Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz in Norwegen], DuD 2012, p. 591
  • Interim Industrial Property Protection by Hamburg Courts [Einstweiliger gewerblicher Rechtsschutz durch Hamburger Gerichte], IPRB 2011, p. 261, together with Baars
  • The Admissibility of IT-Based Compliance and Risk Management Systems after the BDSG Amendment [Die Zulässigkeit IT-gestützter Compliance- und Risikomanagementsysteme nach der BDSG-Novelle], DuD 2011, p. 88, together with Jakob
  • IT-based Compliance Systems and Data Protection Law [IT-gestützte Compliance-Systeme und Datenschutzrecht], CR 2010, p. 540, together with Heinson.
  • Information Management and Compliance [Informationsmanagement und Compliance], in: Knowledge and Knowledge Management, Opportunities in the Economic Crisis, Oldenburg 2010, p. 217
  • Employee Data Protection in Section 32 BDSG [Beschäftigtendatenschutz in § 32 BDSG], DuD 2010, p. 207
  • Data Protection Law Requirements and International Legal Obligations for the Operation of Whistleblowing Systems [Datenschutzrechtliche Anforderungen und internationale Rechtspflichten zum Betrieb von Whistleblowing-Systemen], in: Governance – Decision Making and Implementation within Governmental and Economic Structures, Oldenburg 2009, pp. 57-71
  • Employee Data Protection according to Section 32 BDSG – A (almost) new regulation without changing the legal situation [Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz gemäß § 32 BDSG – Eine Neuregelung (fast) ohne Veränderung der Rechtslage], RDV 2009, p. 193
  • Trust is Good, Compliance is Better! [Vertrauen ist gut, Compliance ist besser!], BB 2009, p. 1295
  • Publisher GDPR Practice Commentary [DSGVO Praxis-Kommentar], 2023 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
planit legal sebastian heep

Dr. Sebastian Heep

certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Dr. Sebastian Heep has been a partner at PLANIT // LEGAL since the beginning of 2020. He advises on all issues of IT law as well as distribution and data protection law. Clients appreciate his pragmatic and solution-oriented advisory approach, which is shaped by his extensive experience in the corporate environment and working in an internationally operating commercial law firm. Due to his negotiating skills, he is able to successfully drive negotiations forward even in difficult situations. Since the summer semester 2024, Dr. Sebastian Heep has also been a lecturer at the University of Potsdam (teaching the compulsory course IT Law for Information Systems Specialists).

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Dr. Sebastian Heep was in-house counsel and senior legal counsel in the central legal department of Körber AG, the holding of an international technology group. There, as Head of Commercial Law of the Medipak Systems business unit, he was responsible for comprehensive advice to domestic and foreign software and mechanical engineering companies, in particular in matters of software contract and distribution law as well as in the area of purchasing. In recent years, Dr. Sebastian Heep has also provided legal support for the establishment of an intra-group digital unit and advised Körber AG on M&A transactions. Before joining the legal department of Körber AG, Dr. Sebastian Heep was an attorney and senior associate in the Hamburg office of CMS Hasche Sigle, specializing in intellectual property, product liability and life science.

Dr. Sebastian Heep studied law at the University of Constance. After his first state law examination, he completed his doctorate under Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner, LL.M. on the topic of “Protection under unfair competition law against deception of origin and exploitation of reputation in relation to design patent and trademark law“ and was a research assistant at the Chair of German and European Private and Commercial Law of Prof. Dr. Jochen Glöckner, LL.M..

Dr. Sebastian Heep completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, inter alia with stations at CMS Hasche Sigle in Hamburg as well as at the German Industry and Commerce Ltd. in Hong Kong.

Dr. Sebastian Heep is fluent in German and English.

In his private life, he prefers a view of the countryside and enjoys cycling. Since he regularly kicks in the backyard with his kids, he has also become a gifted soccer player.

  • Protection under unfair competition law against deception of origin and exploitation of reputation in relation to design patent and trademark law [Lauterkeitsrechtlicher Schutz vor Herkunftstäuschung und Rufausbeutung im Verhältnis zum Geschmacksmuster- und Kennzeichenrecht], Thesis, 2010, Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Schriften zum deutschen, europäischen und internationalen Recht des Geistigen Eigentums und des Wettbewerbs, Vol. 12
  • Publisher GDPR Practice Commentary [DSGVO Praxis-Kommentar], 2023 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
planit legal dr. anna roschek

Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek

certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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„Dr. Anna Roschek is a great and very valuable support for Leadwunder and our customers in the area of data protection! She gets to the heart of complicated issues in an understandable way, always acts proactively and, above all, constructively. Of course, it helps that she also has a profound, technical understanding. I can highly recommend Dr. Anna Roschek and PLANIT // LEGAL! Thank you very much for the great cooperation.“

Sebastian Hettlage, CEO, Leadwunder GmbH

„Dr. Roschek is a highly valued colleague/consultant in the field of data protection (and beyond). We thank her for an excellent expertise and legal advice on the pulse of time. “

Dr. Dennis Hampe, LL.M. Head of Legal, medac GmbH

Actual Blog Entries

Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek has been a partner at PLANIT//LEGAL since the beginning of 2020. She advises her clients on all issues of data protection and IT law. Her focus is on legal advice for IT projects, in particular group-wide implementation, outsourcing and infrastructure projects, and the establishment of global data protection organizations. She is your contact for legal outsourcing at PLANIT // LEGAL.

Clients appreciate her wealth of practical experience both from internal consulting in the group environment and from external consulting. She knows how to explain complex issues to her clients in a simple manner and find pragmatic solutions to such.

Prior to joining PLANIT//LEGAL, Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek was with the Hamburg office of Taylor Wessing in the Corporate Practice Area and the Energy Industry Group, then Senior Legal Counsel at Körber AG, the holding company of an international technology group. In addition to providing legal advice to software and engineering companies in the logistics and pharmaceuticals sectors, Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek has played a leading role in setting up a group-wide data protection organization in recent years, as well as providing comprehensive legal advice to the Körber Group’s internal IT provider on the centralization of IT, among others, as part of a global infrastructure project.

Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek studied law at the University of Hamburg. After her first state law examination, she completed her doctorate under Prof. Dr. Ulrich Magnus on the subject of “Enforceability Declaration and Enforcement of Foreign Titles in the European Union”. At the same time, she was a research assistant at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek completed her legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg, including a station at the Regional Court of Hamburg in the chamber for IPR, competition and patent matters.

Dr. Anna-Kristina Roschek is fluent in German and English.

She lives with her family where other people go on vacation, at the coast of the North Sea. Privately, her husband and she therefore welcome vacation guests and prefer to spend their free time on the beach, in the tidelands or on the dike.

  • Data protection officer according to TÜV Nord
  • Digital Lead Management using the example of HubSpot [Digitales Leadmanagement am Beispiel HubSpot], Datenschutzkonferenz in Düsseldorf, September 2021
  • Handling Requests for Information and Deletion in Corporate Practice from the Perspective of Legal Advice, Praxis Seminar on Data Protection Law, May 2023
  • Comments on the European Commission’s Green Paper on Improving the Efficiency of the Enforcement of Judgements in the European Union: The Attachment of Bank Accounts, ECFR 2007, 252-301
  • Interpretative Relationship between Brussels I and the Future Rome I Regulation [Auslegungszusammenhang zwischen Brüssel I und der künftigen Rom I-Verordnung], IPRax 2008, p.96
  • The Enforceability Declaration and Enforcement of Foreign Titles in the European Union [Die Vollstreckbarerklärung und Zwangsvollstreckung ausländischer Titel in der Europäischen Union], Thesis, Mohr Siebeck 2009
  • Data Protection in the Lawyer’s Home and Mobile Office [Datenschutz im anwaltlichen Home- und Mobile-Office], NJW 2021, p. 367
  • Preventing the Failure of Complex IT Projects through Good Contract Drafting [Das Scheitern komplexer IT-Projekte durch gute Vertragsgestaltung verhindern], DATENSCHUTZ-BERATER 2021, pp. 108-111
  • Publisher GDPR Practice Commentary [DSGVO Praxis-Kommentar], 2023 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
planit legal christian putzar

Christian Putzar

certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Christian Putzar is a salary partner at PLANIT // LEGAL and advises on all issues of data protection law, business law and IT law. The focus of his work is on advising and drafting contracts for companies in online business. Clients value his extensive experience as an attorney and in-house counsel as well as his targeted, pragmatic approaches to finding solutions.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Christian Putzar was senior legal counsel at the FINANZCHECK Group. There, he accompanied the development of the company from a start-up to one of the leading German FinTechs and was responsible for all issues of data protection law, IT law as well as marketing and sales law. Previously, Christian Putzar worked as an attorney in the Litigation Department of Latham & Watkins LLP, where he gained extensive litigation experience in a wide range of legal areas, such as capital investment law, insurance law, insolvency law and competition law. Before joining Latham & Watkins, Christian Putzar was an attorney at the Hamburg law firm Senfft pp., specializing in intellectual property law, copyright law and media law.

Christian Putzar is fluent in German and English.

  • GTDT Practice Guide Germany M&A (Chapter “Data Privacy and Cyber Security”), May 2022
  • Profiling for Advertising Purposes – On the Data Protection Limits of Target Group Analyses (Profilbildung zu Werbezwecken – Zu den datenschutzrechtlichen Grenzen von Zielgruppenanalysen), DSB 2022, p. 277-280
  • Author Article 31, GDPR Practice Commentary (DSGVO Praxis-Kommentar), 2023 Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH
planit legal kirsten ammon

Kirsten Ammon

certified Data Protection Officer and Data Protection Auditor (TÜV), CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Kirsten Ammon is a senior associate at PLANIT // LEGAL. She represents and advises clients on IT, data protection, contract and software law. Her practice focuses on consulting on digital business models (in particular cloud computing, artificial intelligence, FinTech, blockchain/smart contracts, e-commerce), data protection advice/acting as an external data protection officer and complex contract drafting.

Clients value her experience in the field of IT/data protection and her technological understanding, which also extends to IT security-related aspects. Her advisory approach presents complex legal issues in a simple and comprehensible way and focuses on the client’s wishes and risk affinity.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Kirsten Ammon was a lawyer in the Tech&Data team at Fieldfisher, a large international business law firm.

Kirsten Ammon studied law at the University of Hamburg, specializing in “Information and Communication”. She completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Schleswig with stations at the Regional Court of Lübeck and in the IT/data protection/IP area at the law firms Heissner/Struck in Hamburg and Buse Heberer Fromm/DibbsBarker in Sydney, Australia.

Kirsten Ammon advises in German and English.

She enjoys spending her free time with her family and her dog as well as playing sports in nature.

  • Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E)
  • Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
  • Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT)
  • International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
  • Certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV) and Data Protection Auditor (TÜV) TÜV Nord

Technological certifications:

  • Big Data, a 6-course specialization by University of California San Diego on Coursera
  • EXASOL Certified Database Developer
  • Blockchain, a 4-course specialization by The State University of New York & University at Buffalo on Coursera
  • Internet Giants: The Law and Economics of Media Platforms by The University of Chicago on Coursera
  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate, a 9-course specialization by IBM on Coursera
  • Data Engineering with Google by Cloud Google Cloud on Coursera
  • Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces by on Coursera
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The Future of Finance Specialization by Duke University on Coursera
  • Blockchain A-Z: Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain on Udemy
  • Generative AI with Large Language Models by DeepLearning.AI and AWS on Coursera
  • International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
planit legal nils eckert

Nils Eckert

certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Nils Eckert is a senior associate at PLANIT // LEGAL and advises on data protection and IT law. Clients particularly appreciate his practical experience from internal consulting in the corporate environment.

Nils Eckert studied law in Hamburg and Madrid with a focus on information and communication law. He completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Celle (Lower Saxony), including stints at the law firm Senfft pp., which specializes in press and media law, and at the Hamburg Regional Court in the chamber for press matters.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Nils Eckert worked as in-house attorney and legal counsel for the media company gamigo AG, where he was a member of the central legal department of the parent company Media and Games Invest SE, responsible in particular for corporate and compliance law issues.

Nils Eckert is fluent in German, English and Spanish.




patrick munro

Patrick Munro


Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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„Based in Munich, the technology capital of Germany, I look forward to being a key contact for clients who need to navigate the complex landscape of IT law and cybersecurity regulations. The opportunity to shape the future of digital compliance alongside such renowned colleagues is truly exciting.“

Patrick Munro supports the clients of PLANIT // LEGAL as Of Counsel (external) with a focus on IT and IT security law. His core competencies include contract drafting, negotiation and legal advice, in particular in the areas of cybersecurity, including the implementation of NIS2, DORA and Data Economy. Patrick Munro’s presence in the heart of Munich enables PLANIT // LEGAL to provide even more targeted support to clients in southern Germany. As an ideal complement to the Hamburg office, PLANIT//LEGAL is thus strategically positioned in one of Germany’s most important technology centers.

His clients value his sound technical understanding and his pragmatic “hands-on” mentality, which result from his experience as an in-house lawyer as well as an external consultant. His consulting approach enables him to develop practical and legally sound solutions that optimally support economic interests while minimizing legal risks.

His professional career has taken him both to Simmons & Simmons, an international commercial law firm, where he advised clients in the field of digital business, and to the legal departments of DXC and Capgemini, two leading international companies in the fields of digitalization, outsourcing and IT consulting. This combination enabled him to develop extensive expertise in both international business law and technology law.

Patrick Munro studied law at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, specializing in international and European law. After his first state examination, he completed his legal clerkship at Darmstadt Regional Court.

He speaks German, English and French.

In his private life, he is passionate about science, animal welfare and chess.

planit legal julian reidick

Julian Reidick


Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Julian Reidick joined PLANIT // LEGAL as an associate in 2023. He advises on IT and data protection law. Clients appreciate his friendly and open way of communicating.

Julian Reidick studied law in Freiburg im Breisgau and Athens with focus on commercial law. During his studies he worked as a legal counsel and as member of the board for a pro bono association counseling other students on legal issues.

He completed his legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Schleswig-Holstein including stints at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and a legal service provider with focus on specialized legal tech products.

Julian Reidick is fluent in English and German.

In his spare time, Julian Reidick enjoys sports, including boxing, climbing and skiing.

lasse kamin planit legal

Lasse Kamin


Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Lasse Kamin joined PLANIT // LEGAL as an associate in 2024. He advises on IT, contract and data protection law. Clients appreciate his friendly and approachable nature.

Lasse Kamin studied law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and in Cape Town. During his studies, he specialized on legal theory and legal philosophy perspectives on the law, thereby scrutinizing backgrounds and connections within the law as well as in relation to politics, economics and technology. Before studying law, he completed a bachelor’s degree in economics and business psychology in Lüneburg and St. Gallen.

He completed his legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, with stations, at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and in media, IP and IT law at DLA Piper and Neuwerk.

Lasse Kamin is fluent in German and English.

He enjoys spending time in nature, doing sports or with friends and family.

planit legal svenja bottke

Svenja Bottke

Data Protection and Legal Tech Consultant
certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Svenja Bottke is a business lawyer and has been a data protection and legal tech consultant at PLANIT // LEGAL since June 2024. She advises companies on all areas of data protection law and supports them in setting up a data protection organisation. She is also part of the PLANIT // PRIMA team, where she is responsible for marketing and content creation.

Svenja Bottke previously worked at PLANIT // LEGAL as a data protection consultant from 2016 to 2020. Before rejoining the firm, she was employed as a data protection officer and an appointed information security officer at EDEKA Handelsgesellschaft Nord mbH.

She speaks German and English.

  • Data Protection Officer according to TÜV Süd
planit legal lea spohr

Lea Spohr

Data Protection and Legal Tech Consultant
certified Data Protection Officer (TÜV)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Lea Spohr is a data protection and legal tech consultant at PLANIT // LEGAL. She is mainly responsible for advising clients on data protection law and content developing of PLANIT//PRIMA.

Clients appreciate her friendly and open-minded manner as well as her personal and solution-orientated consulting approach.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Lea Spohr worked as a personal career manager at plusYOU GmbH, a legal career consultancy.

She studied business law at the University of Kassel, where she already focused on data protection law.

Lea Spohr is fluent in German and English.

In her private life, she enjoys spending time doing sport, dancing, cooking or eating out with friends.

Bärbel Lühring

Office Manager

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Bärbel Lühring is a trained paralegal and has been the office manager of PLANIT // LEGAL since 2018. Among other things, she takes care of accounting, client work and general organization of the office processes. She also supports Dr. Roschek in the area of human resources.

Clients appreciate her “hands-on mentality” and can look forward to a friendly and competent first contact in the office.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Bärbel Lühring worked as a paralegal in a law firm in Hamburg specializing in intellectual property and competition law. Prior to that, she worked in a small law boutique specializing in banking and capital markets law. Bärbel Lühring completed her training at a large US commercial law firm based in Hamburg.

In her free time, she regularly participates in combat sports as a balance to her daily work at the law firm.

Ms. Lühring is fluent in German and English.

planit legal cindy heinsohn

Cindy Heinsohn

Office Manager

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Cindy Heinsohn is an office manager at PLANIT // LEGAL. She is mainly responsible for marketing and the organization of the firm.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Cindy Heinsohn worked as a marketing assistant in an international logistics company in Hamburg. Cindy Heinsohn completed her training as a forwarding merchant in a logistics company in Hittfeld. After her apprenticeship, she worked as an internal sales support in the logistics industry in Hamburg. After 4 years in sales she changed internally to the marketing department.

In her private life she is enthusiastic about her own garden and creativity. Together with her family she makes wooden decorations for the Christmas season.

She is fluent in German and English.



planit legal lara biemann

Lara Biemann

Office Manager

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Lara Biemann has been employed as an office manager at PLANIT // LEGAL since September 2023. She takes care of the general organisation of the office processes and accounting.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Lara Biemann worked as a sales assistant for a company in the energy sector, in Hamburg. She also completed her training as an office management assistant there.

Ms. Biemann is fluent in German and English.

In her private life she enjoys travelling and spending time with friends and family.

Martin Wolfer

Software Developer

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Martin Wolfer is a software developer at PLANIT // LEGAL. In his role, he is responsible for the further development and improvement of PLANIT // PRIMA.

Before joining PLANIT // LEGAL, Martin Wolfer worked at Hamburger – Software GmbH, where he focused on the further development and improvement of financial accounting software.

He has several years of experience in software development and is well-versed in both backend and frontend technologies.

He speaks German and English.

In his private life, Martin Wolfer is interested in cryptocurrencies.

planit legal christian schmerl

Christian Schmerl

Software Developer

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Christian Schmerl is a software developer at PLANIT // LEGAL. In his role, he is responsible for the further development and improvement of PLANIT // PRIMA.

Christian Schmerl has several years of experience in software development and worked at Hamburger – Software GmbH before joining PLANIT // LEGAL. There he focused on the further development and improvement of various software solutions. He also worked as a Scrum Master for several teams.

He speaks German and English.

Privately, he makes music.

Nicolas Rastorfer

Nicolas Rastorfer

Privacy Success Manager

Phone: +49 (0) 40 609 44 190

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Nicolas Rastorfer is Privacy Success Manager at PLANIT // LEGAL. In his role, he is responsible for sales expansion and continuous development of PLANIT // PRIMA.

Before joining PLANIT //LEGAL, Nicolas Rastorfer was a data protection consultant at a Swiss company.

He speaks German and English.

In his private life, he does a lot of sport and enjoys traveling around the world.

  • Certified Data Protection Consultant (revDSG/nDSG)
  • Scrum Master (