
planit legal Datentransfer

Challenges of Digitization: New EU Standard Contractual Clauses for International Data Transfers and for Controller-Processor Agreements

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legal tech

In a Nutshell: Legal Tech

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Conclusion of Contract – Can the Handwritten Signature be replaced Digitally?

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us dienstleister

Regulators Are Planning Audits: What to do if I use US service providers?

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ion netzwerk

The ION Network – the Future of our Digital Identity?

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Skillfully Avoid the Failure of your IT project with the right Contract Drafting

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planit legal cookie banner

Challenges of Digitalization: Cookie-Banner

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planit legal cookies

Challenges of Digitalization: Cookies

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Brexit and Data Protection: Data Transfers Will Remain Privileged – for the Time Being

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eu vertreter

When you need to appoint an EU Representative according to Art. 27 GDPR

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